2 min read
13 Jul

A- llow God to rule in your life, not anybody else

B- ehave as a married woman, your husband is expecting that

C- ommit all your efforts to God and He will be in charged.

D- ont be depress if you cant  have everything that you wish to happen.

     Everything is in heaven.

E-xcitement  everyday as you look forward for his coming back home

F-eed your mind with godly wisdom

G- od controls everything. Put your entire trust in Him

H- elper as wife is designed by God, is expected to

     do not just domestic job but an able financial helper as well.

     Pray. Plan. Participate.

I-n many times, rely on God and trust Him alone

J- esus holds everything, why worry, trust Him!

K- eep It Short and Simple (KISS). Kiss your husband as often as you can whenever he is around... Before  going to sleep, upon waking up, and any chance possible.

L- earn to love whatever is in your hand. Be contented of what  you have.

M-emorize bible scriptures by making it as your ring tone.

O- pen your minds to learn new things…new friends, new hobbies and new perspectives

P-ray in everything…in all circumstances.  Be prayerful.

Q-uit is never an issue. Life has to go on.

R- est and Recreation are good for a WOWs mental and emotional need!

 “S- ave the best for last” is not true.  Every moment should be the best and make it last.

T- rouble motivating your kids to do his homework & domestic work at home? Try  

     scoring method. At the end of the day, count his good deeds and minus his not-so

     good deeds. Record it for a month and give him the corresponding amount. An

     effective way of teaching addition and subtraction too!

U-nderstanding your kids takes a lot of patient.

    V- ictorious! We are victorious!  

W-illingly do our tasks, no matter how hard it is as long as you are willing, it becomes   

     free willing and in the end you will say: ATTITUDE determines ALTITUDE.

X- cess problems, heart-aches forget it!

    There are so much more to enjoy life for what is it.

Y –ou better be good!

Z –eal for Jesus is the best motivating factor ever!  

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